Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy reacted to Sunday's Academy Awards broadcast by saying it was "nice to see" Chris Rock get slapped by Will Smith because he's liberal.
March 29, 2022

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy reacted to Sunday's Academy Awards broadcast by saying it was "nice to see" Chris Rock get slapped by Will Smith because he's liberal.

During a Monday appearance on Fox & Friends, host Ainsley Earhardt asked Campos-Duffy about Smith's attack on Rock.

"I had so many reactions," Campos-Duffy explained. "First, I thought, wow, it's kind of nice to see Hollywood beat up each other instead of bashing conservatives all the time. I do like a man who defends his wife. But also, I thought, Chris Rock is a comedian and he's doing his job and truthfully, Ainsley, it was a pretty light-touch joke."

Campos-Duffy compared Rock's joke about Jada Pinkett Smith's shaved head to "all the things that have been said about Melania Trump by the media, by many of the people in that same room."

She argued that Smith "should not go into politics" before speculating that his alleged "open marriage" and abuse by his father could have contributed to the attack on Rock.

"No matter what, he is a grown man," she added. "He ought to keep it classy. He's got to keep his emotions in check. And I don't think this was the moment to do what he did. I don't think we should resort to violence but there are lots of interesting pop-cultural emotional and marriage relationship layers to this moment that we can unpack."

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