December 30, 2019

Won't anyone think of the CHRISTIANS?

In the wake of a horrific anti-Semitic knife attack in New York, Fox and Friends (reaching the end of the booker list for possible holiday relief hosts) pays Rachel Campos-Duffy to cross her legs and whine about the poor persecuted Christians.

"We've seen over some Christmas some horrific attacks on Christians -- by the way, the most persecuted religion on the planet right now."

Right now? Oh come on, Rachel. Notice whose couch you sit upon. It's ALWAYS the most persecuted religion on Fox News! And points off for not blaming Trump-haters, like Franklin Graham did for the Hannukah Party attack.

Now maybe she's talking about the church shooting in White Settlement, Texas, but the shooter in that situation isn't exactly listed under the non-Christian anti-Christian category. He had an arrest record, a shotgun, and "ties to the community" according to Time Magazine.

But instead of trying to parse out the LOGIC of Rachel Campos-Duffy, let's enjoy a clip of the so-called United States Secretary of State attempting to say "anti-Semitic."

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