How many jobs were created in Lauren Boebert's district by her stunt in which she took a cardboard cutout of Kamala Harris to the Mexico border?
Her own constituents are shaking their heads.
Politico reports that voters in Colorado's congressional district number 3 would really like an infrastructure bill. They were glad to get their Rescue Act checks. And they are getting tired of their congresswoman's stunts and sh*tposting to gain national attention while not returning their phonecalls. She is "more focused on her own celebrity than her constituents," says the report.
This is especially true of the infrastructure bill. The largest city in her district, Pueblo, has "dilapidated" bridges and a need for steel jobs that will come particularly from an Amtrak expansion in Biden's bill.
Voters told Politico that they're "angry that she appears to have spent more time headlining GOP fundraisers than hosting public meetings to listen to their needs."
Boebert did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Politico.
And it's not just the infrastructure. Boebert puts her own national agenda and pet issue - gunz, gunz moar gunz - before the sensibilities of her community. "Other voters here decried a fundraising appeal of Boebert’s exclaiming that Pelosi and Biden “want to take our guns,” which was e-mailed to supporters hours after a shooting at a Boulder grocery store left 10 people dead."
“People here feel Boebert doesn’t represent their values,” says Colorado state Senate President Leroy Garcia, a Pueblo Democrat who is popular with voters in both parties. “There is a lot of passion around seeing her removed.”
Colorado-3 is an R+6 district overall, but Pueblo is majority Democratic, and voter turnout could see her bounced from office. And that looks increasingly possible if she continues to work for Donald Trump and not for the people of her district.