August 10, 2016

Turns out the only time Trump supporters can breathe a sigh of relief is when he decides to read the words of other people, on a teleprompter. When Trump stays away from 'word on the street' summations, CNN's Drumpf apologist John Phillips has nothing but praise for the unorthodox candidate.

He told CNN's Brooke Baldwin how terrific he found his last economic speech, which was great until he decided to shoot his mouth off, literally about Second Amendment remedies for his opponent. He praised his condemnation for the TPP, for example, as if that's courageous and innovative. Baldwin really wants to know why Trump continues to utter idiotic assertions on Twitter. She asks Phillips:

BALDWIN: Why does he keep doing this? (making wild, unscripted remarks).

PHILIPPS: Look, He's got Tourette's Syndrome sometimes when he's on the Twitter.

He's a non-traditional candidate.

He asserted that Trump has not learned to 'mute' these sorts of things. If only they could slow the bandwidth of his connection to a snail's pace, perhaps they could cauterize the gaping holes he puts in his own campaign and slow the bleeding.

Baldwin asks Angela Rye, Congressional Black Caucus' former executive director, what she thought of his Twitter persona. In summary, she essentially said,

RYE: #ManyPeopleAreSaying. He's unfit and unqualified, He's given you yet another example for why. Trump does not have Tourette's. For all the people who have that, Donald Trump does not have that. He's got, it's called... he's just uncontrollable. Unless, to Brooke's point earlier, he's on teleprompter. When he is off the cuff, he is irresponsible, he is reckless.

Donald's tweet about the executed scientist, Shahram Amiri, who returned to Iran inspired this latest hashtag that exposes Trump for his unsubstantiated claims.

This sparked a Twitter backlash that was quite funny.

No Trump, what "many people tell you" are just the voices in your head.

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