February 14, 2017

After General Flynn's resignation, Republicans are not at all interested in an independent investigation. Yes, they are snuffling around the word "investigation," but not a Select Committee to investigate. Just the normal slow-walking channels they use when they want an issue to die.

Ana Navarro knows it, and went on CNN to say it. And as usual, they have to put on a counterpoint, so they dug up Kochhead GOPer Matt Schlapp to slow Navarro down.

The best part of this discussion happens when Navarro is ticking off all of the pointers to long-standing Russian involvement with Trump and the election, and Schlapp jumps in on Navarro, telling her to stop!

Anyone who has observed Ana Navarro in action knows that's a bad idea. She doesn't like to be shushed and to my knowledge, has never, ever allowed anyone to do it. She did not disappoint this time, either.

After Schlapp politely (?) asked to jump in on Navarro after she mentioned Paul Manafort, he tried to steer the conversation away from any urgency, and over to the "facts."

"This conversation happened, Ana, after the election," Schlapp said, deflecting from the larger issue. He then went on to use the standard developed White House talking point, that it was "perfectly reasonable for General Flynn to have that conversation," because they were in the "getting to know you" stage of the transition.

Which of course, ignores the fact that Flynn had contacts with Russia during the campaign. Indeed, he had an ongoing relationship with them.

After Schlapp did a pretty terrible job of explaining away Trump's weird Russia connections, Navarro started ticking off all of the things they should investigate, at which point Schlapp tried to shut her down.

That was a mistake. After a few seconds of shouting over each other, Navarro shut him down, telling him, "You're talking to the wrong girl, Matt. You can say stop to somebody else, you're not going to stop me, baby!"

After Schlapp stood down, Navarro renewed her call for a Select Committee. Indeed.

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