"Why the Presidential Campaign is so Difficult to Cover" was the subject of last night's Talking Point's Commentary segment on the Bill O'Reilly Show. Poor Bill was whining all about how sad he is about having to present unbiased (cough cough) news about this election, while somehow keeping himself *honest.
(*Honest, as defined by Fox News is: presenting clearly biased ideas to our low IQ and hateful viewers as *fact* in a format that raises more questions than provides answers, refutes empirical evidence and continues to push the right wing agenda)
Back to Bill...his little Whine-a-Thon continued, with him saying, "I have to cover this race in the fairest way possible...which means no cheap shots, no gotcha stuff, no personal attacks on either candidate."
Um, BillO. You are working at the wrong network. Fox News was literally built on a Jenga game of lies about the Democrats perpetuated by the right wing. So, if you can't present cheap shots or personal attacks, what will you say about Hillary?
"But it also means skepticism about what Trump and Clinton say and do, and challenges to their positions," he continued. "But with so many Americans not liking the candidates, the concept of fair-play is hard to pull off. The left wants to demonize Trump, and if you don't do that, you are in the tank for him ... and a very bad person."
Well, in all seriousness, Trump is truly evil. I am not going to list the entire spate of adjectives used for him (I have other things to do today)...but we know he is a racist, sexist, hateful, bully and even Rick Wilson, a longtime GOP operative, has dubbed him "Cheeto Jesus" and become a figurehead in the #NeverTrump movement.
But, both sides! "The right wants to hammer Secretary Clinton on everything, and if you don't do that, you are selling out ... and a very bad person.Also, if you don't openly root for a candidate, you become suspect in the eyes of their followers. This year ... it is very personal."
Isn't all politics personal?
"Today on Good Morning America, George Stephanopolous asked me about some Republicans who will not support Trump. That's a standard question from the national media.
I said it was style,, not substance, that is fueling GOP dissent," BillO bloviated.
Wrong. So very wrong.
BillO trudged on. "It is the way Donald Trump bluntly states his case that has alienated many."
No, it is because Trump is a fascist who wants to run this country to bolster his own ego with no regard for the American people.
"But if you want to tell the truth, and I do, the no-prisoners approach is why Trump is the nominee. He has rallied voters who are fed up with politics as usual. Now, is that analysis fair? Of course it is. But many will condemn me because I did not condemn Trump. Same thing with Hillary Clinton and President Obama."
Oh, there's never a good time to try and equate a fascist with Democrats, is there?
"Right now politics in the USA ... is dysfunctional," he concluded.
He goes on to parrot to typical Fox lies - blame Obama for everything. The dysfunction, BillO, is the result of ridiculous false equivalencies like this from absurd bloviators like you.