JD Vance, who wears eyeliner on television, told the MAGA cult at CPAC that he worries masculinity is going out the window in favor of androgynous beings
Vance continues to promote insane QAnon conspiracies and extreme right-wing memes. The MAGA cult which is made up of Evangelical Christian nationalists and white supremacists, want to bring back toxic masculinity at all costs. Not only does their version of toxic masculinity encompass misogyny, but it also embraces homophobia to the maximum degree. Any form of racism is acceptable too.
VANCE: I think that our culture sends a message to young men that you should suppress every masculine urge.
You should try to cast aside your family.
You should try to suppress what makes you a young man in the first place.
And I think that my message to young men is don't allow this broken culture to send you a message that you're a bad person because you're a man, because you like to tell a joke, because you like to have a beer with your friends, or because you're competitive.
Our, like, our message, the cultural message, and I think the President's and mine is the exact opposite, but our cultural message is I think that it wants to turn everybody, whether male or female, into androgynous idiots who think the same, talk the same, and act the same.
We actually think God made male and female for a purpose, and we want you guys to thrive as young men and as young women, and we're going to help with our public policy to make it possible to do that.
What bile Vance evacuates.
Right-wing activists either make up or take a single instance and turn it into a blanket for everything they despise.
Where has anyone in the Democratic Party or on the left said that you're a bad person if you're a man?
Is JD Vance feeling a little uncertain about his own manhood?