October 27, 2015

The segment on Bill-O's show known as 'Watter's World' is an obnoxious cavalcade of sound bites interspersed with clips from some well-known comedic movies, where Jesse Watters attempts to be edgy and avant-garde. Last week we covered the outrage at Fox 'News' when they lost their minds (again) because 96% of Cornell faculty's political donations go to Democratic Candidates, which says a lot about the people who want Democrats to win. This, of course, enraged pea-brained troglodytes like Watters and he set out to get his revenge on the students of Cornell, and managed to creep out a few people in the process.

O'Reilly introduces the segment by bitching that faculty donated $600,000 to liberal candidates, but somehow forgot that the Koch Brothers make that in half a second, and are planning to donate $1,000,000,000.00 to their GOP lapdog candidate, which might be a tad bit relevant. They also forgot the rationale that the Republican Party has eschewed science and academics almost universally, so of course it would be anathema to donate money to people who are against everything you know to be true.

Watters tries to 'gotcha' several students, while uttering the usual GOP talking points: The national debt, Hillary's Benghazi non-troversy, faculty 'diversity.' He forgets that including idiotic self-loathers is not diverse, it's asinine. He even asks a female student to go to dinner and that was just too creepy for her, as it should be.

Watters asked that student if he could buy her a “Make America Great” hat, and she replied, “you can’t buy me anything.”

“Dinner?” he asked.

“OK, this got weird,” she replied, walking away.

Later on, he asks a female who looks like she could be from the Middle East if she thinks the phrase 'Islamic Terrorism' is offensive. As an educated person, she replied yes, because it's a generalization that doesn't really ring true to the dogma of Islam. He then asks why there aren't any Methodist terrorists. Obviously he fails to understand the more imminent threat, which is domestic (Christian) terrorism, and in his ignorant bliss, he gloated like the toddler he is when she didn't have the data at the ready.

Finally, the two directors of media relations for Cornell got wind of his offensive techniques and told him that he was not welcome on campus to interview students, even with their permission. Obviously, they know that Watters is representing the worst form of audio-visual media: moron gotcha tabloid journalism.

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