Walker has punted a question about evolution. He then fumbled when asked whether he thought President Barack Obama loved the United States. And lest we forget, Walker damn near fainted when he was asked if Obama was a Christian.
So Walker does what comes naturally to him - he tries to monetize it!
Only to Republicans would it make sense to give $1,000 to someone for proving that they are incompetent, spineless and mindless. I guess they didn't have time to film a commercial with Walker looking forlornly into the camera while the narrator says only you can save Koch puppets from the abuse suffered at the hands of the media.
The irony of it all is simply mind boggling.
As bad as this fundraiser email is, it will never top the one he sent out on Black Friday in 2013, in which he told people to forego buying Christmas presents for their children and give him the money instead.
H/T to James Rowen at The Political Environment