So Walker does what he would normally do after such a bad week - he sends out a fundraising email asking for people to bail out his campaign. Even though his campaign barely made it to 10 weeks, he still managed to end it a million dollars in the red.
Here is the email that Walker sent out sans links (a screencap of it is at the bottom of this article):
Our race for president didn't turn out the way we wanted. While we are disappointed, there are always new ways to serve others and plenty of conservative reforms to enact in Wisconsin.
Our "Scott Walker for America" campaign may have ended, but we attracted a tremendous grassroots team of supporters. Together we share a deep and enduring commitment to getting things done, putting things right, and moving America forward.
For a kid who grew up in small-town America, whose family didn't have a lot of money, the opportunity to run for President of the United States is an experience beyond my wildest dreams and an experience I will never forget.
There are three things I want to tell you, Friend.
First, thank you for believing in me and our campaign for President.
Second, I am back in my office in the state Capitol working on our next round of big, bold, conservative reforms. We have made incredible strides in Wisconsin, but we are not done yet. Our proven reforms have been a model for other states to follow and we will continue to build upon those reforms in the months and years to come.
Third, as things changed dramatically in the presidential race, "Walker for America" incurred a campaign debt and it is my hope that you and all of our supporters will chip in and make an online contribution of $10, $35, $50, $100, $250, or more so we can end this campaign in the black. It is a lot to ask, I know, but we feel personally obligated to make sure that every small business that extended us their good faith and credit is repaid. And we are hoping we can count on you to help.
When God closes one door, another one opens. While I don't know exactly what the future holds, trust me, we will continue leading the fight for big, bold, conservative change in Wisconsin and across America.
Thanks for believing in me -- and in our cause.
Scott Walker
P.S. Every good thing in my life has come about through teamwork. Tonette, Matt, Alex, and I are so proud to have you on our team. With your good help, we will end our presidential race on a positive note with all of the bills paid. It is your contribution of $25 or $250, $50 or $500, or $100 or $1,000 that will erase every penny of outstanding debt from our campaign together. Thanks in advance for helping out. I sure appreciate it.
I love the way he says he feels personally obliged to pay off his debts with everyone else's money. Then again, that is the perfect description of how he runs the state as well, paying off his campaign donors with taxpayer money.
And is it me, or is that last line about God opening doors a not-too-subtle plea for someone to give him a new job?
What is the most egregious thing about this email is that, in what I'm sure is just pure coincidence, the Republican state senators held a special session Friday, going into the wee hours of Saturday morning, to pass laws opening the floodgates for dark money to come pouring in and to kill off the watchdog organizations that could have done something about all of the corruption. But like I said, I'm sure it's pure coincidence.
And if you believe that, Walker has got some other stuff to sell you too.