Responsible Gun Shopper Accidentally Shoots Another Man In North Carolina Gun Store
Credit: tengrrl
September 29, 2014

These things happen when gun lovers fondle guns!

JACKSONVILLE, ONSLOW COUNTY - A man has been cited for accidentally shooting another man at a firearm shop in Jacksonville over the weekend, police said.

Jeremy Snyder, 35, of Jacksonville, received a citation for discharging a firearm within city limits, according the Jacksonville Police Department.

The accidental shooting happened at Guerrilla Armament at 300 Carmen Ave., police said. Officers responded at about 3:35 p.m. Sunday.

Investigators said Snyder and 28-year-old Douglas Clapp, of Jacksonville, were both handling a weapon when the gun was discharged.

Clapp was hit and was taken to Onslow Memorial Hospital, said police. He was later transferred to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Police said Sunday Clapp was in serious condition. But he has since been upgraded to good condition, investigators said Monday morning.

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