OK Man Guarding 'Muslim-Free' Gun Store Shoots Self
Credit: KOTV News
August 19, 2015

This story is predictable, but it's the comments of the sheriff that make it hilarious.

Sheriff Charles Pearson said the man dropped his gun and a bullet hit him in the arm. The sheriff did not identify the man or offer any other details about what happened.

The group of armed citizens and veterans is standing guard outside the Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear store after the owners said they received death threats from all over the world for putting up a sign saying Muslims weren't welcome.

"I saw several of those gentlemen out there yesterday," Pearson said. "The way they were holding their weapons, with the fingers on the triggers, you can tell a couple of these gentlemen have no idea about weapons safety. It's like the Clampetts have come to town," Sheriff Pearson told muskogeenow.com.

The sheriff told News On 6 on Monday that his office is monitoring the situation.

"Everybody is entitled to say what they feel, and the other people are entitled to tell them how they feel about their opinion. When that gets out of control, that's where we come in. The only thing that I ask, if they are true patriots, that when the threats do come or the undesirables do show up, call us and allow us to handle it," he said.

Just put that dad-blamed gun down, Jed and let the sheriff handle things!

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