Mr. Blumm had just finished the graveyard shift at a local gas station. His manager was set to work the first morning shift. However, she never showed.
Gas Station Employee Fired For Expecting Manager To Show Up On Time (Video)
Credit: Diablo Azul
April 1, 2014

Via Americans Against The Tea Party:

When Joe Blumm’s manager did not show up for her shift at a Grand Rapids, Michigan, he decided to lock-up and write a note expressing his frustration.  What he did not expect was that the story would catch fire and spread across the internet.

Mr. Blumm had just finished the graveyard shift at a local gas station.  His manager was set to work the first morning shift.  However, she never showed.  Frustrated, as this was not the first time she failed to report for a shift on time, he wrote a note, posted it on the front door, and locked up to go home.

The note read:

Hey boss...

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