Amazon Prime Video announced on Monday that multiple seasons of “The Apprentice,” the 2000s reality series that helped raise Mr. Trump’s profile on a national stage, would soon be available on the streaming service. Via the New York Times:
The show’s first season, which premiered in 2004, is available on Prime Video starting Monday. Amazon said that a new season of “The Apprentice” would be made available each week, culminating with the show’s seventh season, which will make its debut to the streaming service in late April.
Mr. Trump expressed his enthusiastic approval in a statement released by Amazon.
“I look forward to watching this show myself — such great memories, and so much fun, but most importantly, it was a learning experience for all of us!” he said.
If only some streaming service had the vision to grab the rights and start showing "Celebrity Apprentice" a la Mystery Science Theater 3000, hosted by Noel Casler, who worked on the original show. Here are some of the tidbits he's already shared:
Let’s take them one at a time. First, incontinence. To play devil’s advocate, why does it matter that he wears adult diapers?
NC: It matters because his incontinence stems from his decades of stimulant abuse and fast food diet. He pretends he’s the model of physical health, when instead his bodily functions are being dictated by his drug addiction—and he tries to cover it up. So it’s evidence of his incompetence, and one of the main reasons for the NDAs. The crew nicknamed CA “The Shitshow,” because he would soil himself during tapings, often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept. Because he couldn’t read a three-syllable word.
GO: Is Trump illiterate?
NC: He is severely dyslexic, and has been his entire life. Ivanka would joke about it off camera.
Here's from another interview:
GO: He is the only addict ever to have drugs shoot out of his nose during a press conference while serving as President of the United States, so there’s that.
NC: Trump is on a different level. It’s as if he exists to break things. He walks into any room, and all he sees is what he can take from any given moment for himself—whether that is sexually humiliating his daughter or groping women he had just met moments before. He is a dangerous psychopath, full stop, and I believe he would destroy this country to protect his ego and his fragile and damaged sense of self. Pile decades of stimulant abuse on top of that, and you have a toxic brio that would make Hannibal Lecter blush.
Imagine his voiceovers! I would SO FUCKING WATCH THAT. Hey Hollywood, make it so!