Macy's Gray's debut album, On How Life Is (1999) was a multi-platinum worldwide smash-- and won her a Grammy. Her follow-up, The Id (released a few da
April 26, 2008

Macy's Gray's debut album, On How Life Is (1999) was a multi-platinum worldwide smash-- and won her a Grammy. Her follow-up, The Id (released a few days after the incompetent Bush Regime failed to protect America on 9/11) stiffed in America but soared internationally. It also spawned tonight's feature, a collaboration between Macy, Erykah Badu and Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante, "Sweet Baby." I recommend that KKK members just listen and not watch the clip and that it not be shown at any Tony Zirkle campaign rallies.

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