Blue Jersey has been so impressed by the response that can be generated by the blogosphere holding media accountable that they asked me to pass on thi
August 9, 2007

Blue Jersey has been so impressed by the response that can be generated by the blogosphere holding media accountable that they asked me to pass on this action alert:

christopher_j_christie.jpg Blue Jersey:

Last week we caught Chris Christie in a pretty blatant contradiction in stories he's told to reporters, so blatant that we feel comfortable calling it a lie. No one we've contacted -- reporters, editors, columnists, bloggers, my dog and hamster -- have been able to explain the completely different stories he told, and different reporters have verified that they repeated Christie's stories correctly.

Yet for some reason not one blog (besides BJ) or newspaper has reported this. So we're asking you, the great Blue Jersey activist crowd, to write to the newspapers that reported the different stories and note the contradiction.

The Star Ledger, Washington Post and New York Times all reported that Christie learned that he had been on the list to be fired but had been removed in March during a single phone call. Tom Moran in the Star Ledger included details that Christie was by a pool with his family on vacation in Florida when he was e-mailed to call in, and went inside the room to make the call. His reaction in March was "completely stunned" (NYT - 5/18), "completely shocked" (WaPo - 5/17), and "speechless" (SL - 5/18).

But in a recent Daily Record editorial board, and we have confirmed this with someone who was in the room, Chris Christie told a completely different story.

Can you help us out?

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