September 19, 2024

If you are looking for something funny, watch this! Hal Sparks has a burning question about Donald Trump Jr. 's relationship with one-time Fox News host and many-time attendee at her plastic surgeon, Kimberly Guilfoyle. So Hal and Cliff Schecter pour the tea on Hal's streaming podcast.

It turns out there are important philosophical questions to be answered here, yet the key question Hal and Cliff seek to answer is not "I think, therefore I am."

But has Don Jr. been seeing another face? According to the Daily Mail, oh yes he has:

Donald Trump Jr. has been caught locking lips with a Republican Palm Beach socialite – and it isn't his fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle, can reveal.

The former president's son was spotted canoodling with glamorous 'it girl' Bettina Anderson, 37, during an intimate brunch date last month - and sources tell the romance is the talk of Palm Beach.

Rumors are that the new model has retained most of her original face. Will Don Jr. play Plastic Surgeon Pygmalion on his new flame? (Isn't that a Trump family rule?)

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