New Harris campaign ad features Hadley Duvall who became pregnant after her stepfather raped her at age 12. Duvall speaks to the horrific consequences of Trump abortion bans.
September 19, 2024

A new Harris Walz campaign ad is gut-wrenching, featuring Hadley Duvall who became pregnant after her stepfather raped her at age 12. Duvall speaks out on the real-life consequences of abortion bans thanks to Donald Trump. In the "Monster" ad, Duvall explains that she had options that girls today no longer have because of Trump.

Hadley was victimized by her stepdad for years but she was not forced to have his baby at age 12. Due to the near-total Trump abortion bans in many states, little girls in her situation are forced to give birth.

This isn't the first time the 22-year-old has spoken out. She called out Donald Trump and his abortion bans in a powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention. Duvall said:

"He calls it 'a beautiful thing, What is so beautiful about a child having to carry her parents' child?"

Hadley Duvall Interview on "Morning Joe"

The reproductive rights activist gave a powerful interview on September 18 on Morning Joe.

The brave 22-year-old offered encouragement to other survivors.

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