[media id=7255] Stephen Colbert killed during last's night Word segment, fingering Rush Limbaugh as the out-of-touch loser he really is, and ripping
February 4, 2009

Stephen Colbert killed during last's night Word segment, fingering Rush Limbaugh as the out-of-touch loser he really is, and ripping the even more out-of-touch sycophants (read: Republicans) who grovel before him and beg for his approval.

Rep Mike Pence: Rush Limbaugh, who I admire, and like millions of Americans, I cherish his voice in the public debate.

Colbert: I cherish Rush's voice too. That's why he's my ringtone.

Limbaugh: Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.

Colbert: So true. It's kind of like what talk radio does for unattractive men.

Bullet point: And whatever Glenn Beck is.

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