The posters feature a barcode that, when scanned by a cellphone or other imaging device, directs the reader to a pro-gun rights website called A Human Right. The site is run by Oleg Volk, a Nashville, Tenn., advertising photographer and creative director whose work includes providing images for gun magazines.
Volk said he doesn't know who has been putting up the street posters.
In an email to MSN News, Volk said: "The photo poster is my design, the line drawing isn't. I encourage re-posting of my graphics, so I approve of the use in general. The specific use wasn't coordinated with me but that's just fine, pre-approval is not necessary.
"I have no idea who posted them but they acted as my allies in the cause," Volk said. "I want everyone -— especially people who have been traditionally facing discrimination and danger — to be more secure and independent. Minorities of all kinds are in that exact predicament."
Pink Pistols-a gun rights group for the LGBT community--also denies responsibility and has an issue with the poster depicted above, which looks to be endorsing violence against homophobes:
“These posters were not created, or distributed around Seattle by the Pink Pistols. The Pink Pistols believes in the lawful self-defense of the GLBT community. Where it is lawful, we believe in the use of concealed firearms for this purpose, because those are statistically the best tools for the job. They are only properly used to defend against imminent death or grievous bodily harm. In the case of the poster with the two men by “Nale Dixon”, we take issue: A “homophobe giving us sh*t” would not qualify for self-defense using deadly force, unless it was in response to an attack that threatened death or serious bodily harm. This poster does not adequately address the core values of the Pink Pistols mission statement.
It also does not adequately address how instituting sensible gun regulations--like closing the gun show loophole--is in any way hurtful to any community.