Oh, those Republican family values, rearing their ugly head again:
Tennessee Republican Brad Staats, a losing congressional candidate earlier this month, was arrested early Sunday morning on a domestic assault charge after police responded to a call from his wife claiming that he slapped her.
According to a report in the Nashville City Paper on the police affidavit, Staats denied his wife Bethany's account of the incident, but said that "he pushed his wife ... down onto a bed then left the location.” The affidavit, also notes, however, that "Ms. Staats did have a red mark on her left cheek consistent with her statement."
You may remember Brad Staats as the candidate who posted a picture of his gun on his Facebook page with the caption "Welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama", which wasn't at all a threat or disrespectful to the sitting President of the United States.
Of course, President (not Mr, thankyouverymuch) Obama was pretty soundly re-elected to his office. Mr. Staats was not, losing to Jim Cooper by a margin of 30%. Maybe that's what had him so peevish.