In the middle of a fairly moderate endorsement of the DREAM act and Republicans getting behind sensible immigration reform, former Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell made a stunning admission:
...The American people want their borders to be protected. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with making sure that people come across our borders, particularly our southern border, in a legal, safe manner. At the same time, we have millions and millions of illegal immigrants in our country, undocumented individuals, who are working, who are doing things we need done in this country. They're all over my house, doing things making repairs. I'm sure you've seen them at your house.
Well, kudos for being honest, Gen. Powell. But as I've maintained throughout the increasingly irrational bigotry of the right in regards to immigration reform, if we take steps to penalize the demand for undocumented workers, the supply will consequently diminish as well.
But how many other Republicans eager to demonize and dehumanize undocumented workers have similar people working around their house as Powell does?