So I was a guest on "Talking Left", an internet radio show hosted by the fantabulous Shane-O and the LeftNeck Chick, one of the evening programs on Nicole Sandler's Radio or Not network. We were discussing the various primary night speeches of the Republican candidates. I had mentioned that I was really struck by Rick Santorum's careful and rather constant evoking of the women in his life and we surmised that he might have had a stern talking to at home about the rather constant stream of misogynistic remarks of late.
That's when Shane-O called my attention to this interesting little clip by Callista Gingrich. For my non-Catholic friends who may not be aware, Lent began February 22nd of this year. Catholics traditionally give up something for the Lenten season as a form of penitence and devotion. To be perfectly honest, no one in my family ever gave up anything they really liked; there's little doubt why I am not a practicing Catholic today.
But Newt Gingrich has built his whole redemption from a repudiated and ethics-challenged ex-Speaker of the House to the upstanding (and allegedly probable) conservative candidate for President of the United States around his conversion to Catholicism prior to marrying Wife #3 Callista Gingrich.
Callista Gingrich definitely looks like she's trying to be a proper Republican candidate's wife. She has the frozen devoted spouse gaze down pat. She shops from the Serious Candidate's Wife clothing catalog, all clothes tasteful and designed not to call to much attention away from her husband. She unfortunately still needs to work on a genuine smile, but with Republicans, it's not that big priority.
But all may not be well with this cultivated persona, as this clip suggests.
When asked by a reporter what he was giving up for Lent, the hefty Newt admitted sheepishly that he was giving up sweets. Perfunctorily, the reporter asked the same of Callista. Her response had just a tinge of bitterness to it: "My opinion".
Yikes. Anyone want to guess what precipitated that response? Whatever it was, it's clear that for many in the GOP, that's the definition of a perfect Republican wife.