I wrote about Callista Gingrich at the time Donald Trump had the chutzpah to nominate her as Ambassador to the Vatican.
And now it's "Character Counts Week" at the Trump White House, so the Republican Senate decided it would be a great time to "pee pee tape" right in the baptismal font of the Holy Roman See, and confirm her nomination.
At the time her appointment was announced last May, there was a question whether the Office of Government Ethics might hold up Callista actually taking the job.
I'm sure after five months of Trump in the White House, the "Ethics Office" has just given up and is waiting on Mueller to make it all go away.
Interesting that Newt Gingrich got an $85 thousand dollar advance on his "Understanding Trump" "book" which clearly paved the way for Donald to give the little mistress her little job.
Congratulations, Mrs. Gingrich. Not only will you be an ambassador, the Catholic News Agency noted your six-year affair without comment as part of your bio. And your obituary is bound to include that tidbit as well. It's good to have a legacy!
The final vote was 70-23 with seven Senators including John McCain and Lindsey Graham not voting. Roll Call is here.