AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka felt strongly enough that we need good progressives like Alan Grayson in Congress to fight for us that he filmed this video for him. Grayson himself has a strong connection to unions and labor in this country. We asked him if he had something to add and he sent us this:
My mother and my father were union members their whole working lives. When I was a very sick child, their union benefits meant that I could go to the hospital to get the treatments that I needed. And when they went out on strike – twice – the union made sure that I still could get those treatments. That’s something that a 10-year-old never forgets, even when he’s 53.
Richard Trumka is the President of the AFL-CIO, and the leader of the labor movement in America. He has contributed this video to our “money bomb” this weekend at It fills me with pride to hear him say about me in this video, “every single time we needed help, he was there.” Because every single time my parents needed help, the union was there. If my father were alive today, that’s what he would say.
The eternal message of the labor movement is this: The People, united, will never be defeated.
This country could do with a whole lot more Graysons in Congress. Don't forget this is the man who is never afraid to stand for the 99%. If you want to help him get there, please participate in today's money bomb. Go to either or his Blue America page.
Let's put Alan Grayson back in office.