Corrente: The Bender of an Era: Krugman sees the oncoming train Liberal Values: Rand Paul opposes mine safety rules The Impolitic: GOP bea
August 3, 2010

Corrente: The Bender of an Era: Krugman sees the oncoming train

Liberal Values: Rand Paul opposes mine safety rules

The Impolitic: GOP beats down Harry again

The Reality-Based Community: Knowledge is hard; is prejudice better?

The Root: Breitbart joins tea party rally in Philadelphia

HOLY CRAP: The Pee Pee Miracle...Catholic church joins radical Muslims...Psychoanalyzing a deity...These little town blues...Pat Robertson’s women warriors...Postcards from God...When God's busy with politics...Humanity Ebbs...Gingrich and God....Standing up for Christianity...The final apostasy...

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