March 25, 2009

I'm not even going to try to pretend for a second that there's any chance this is going to be good.

Spin, who I'm sure would make the quotes around "supergroup" bigger if they could.

The "supergroup" known as Chickenfoot -- comprised of ex-Van Halen singer Sammy Hagar and bassist Michael Anthony, Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith, and guitarist Joe Satriani -- have announced plans to release their first album.

First, my apologies to Michael Anthony, who is one of the most gifted background vocalists in rock. When a band whose members have sold a combined number of records that may very well have a ninth digit, and the only thing to look forward to is the background vocals, we might have a problem.

Sammy Hagar, who somehow tapped into the frustration of a nation upset about safe driving laws and turned "I Can't Drive 55" into a hit, backed by the assumed masturbatory showboating at the fast hands of Smith and Satch, with song titles like "Sexy Little Thing", "Soap on a Rope" and "Oh Yeah"?

I am going out on a limb and saying that this will not be the best album of 2009 -- though to be fair, the acrobatics will be sportsmanlike at worst.

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