Blabbermouth: A new ALICE IN CHAINS track entitled "A Looking In View" is now available for purchase via iTunes and Amazon. Two short teasers for the
June 30, 2009


A new ALICE IN CHAINS track entitled "A Looking In View" is now available for purchase via iTunes and Amazon. Two short teasers for the song's accompaying video clip can be viewed below. Meanwhile, sources tell The Pulse of Radio that an official radio single called "Check My Brain" will head to rock stations in mid-August.

ALICE IN CHAINS' first collection of all-new studio material in 14 years, "Black Gives Way To Blue", is set for release on September 29 through EMI Music's Virgin Records label. The disc will feature the recording debut with the group of singer William DuVall, who first got behind the mic for the band's 2006 reunion tour after original vocalist Layne Staley died in 2002.

I have to say, I'm impressed. A new Alice in Chains record without Layne Staley's vocals raised a lot of eyebrows, and new singer William DuVall brings the right amount of tribute and originality to the table. It also can't be said enough how much guitarist Jerry Cantrell's background vocals are part of the Alice in Chains sound, not unlike Michael Anthony in Van Halen, who allowed them to switch singers with (relative) impunity over the years.

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