Wrong. It's not a joke and Rush is beside himself with joy. Yes, kids, he really is writing a book for kids about history. Here's a bit of his own description, via Slate:
"This country is made up of exceptional people and stories of rags to riches. They made it with hard work, determination, a little luck, and God's grace. So in Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, we have brought to life our loving character from Two If By Tea, Rush Revere. We've given him a horse. We've given him a talking horse! Liberty talks. Liberty has the ability to time travel. So in this book, Rush Revere and Liberty will go to the Mayflower and talk to the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower as they're sailing to what will become America. ...
"Again it is a unique way of reaching the target audience here, which is America's young people—who are, sadly, not being taught what is in this book. And what's in this book is the historical record, accurate historical record of the Pilgrims. It's who they were, why they existed, where they were, how they got here, what they did when they got here, and what they did and why it mattered and related to the founding of this country."
Because you know, it's not enough that Texas is rewriting their school books. Now Rushbo plans to rewrite history entirely. With time travel and a time-traveling horse. Because you know, kids.
Are there cold chills up the back of your neck yet?