Can you imagine the hissy fit he'd be having right now if such an idea was floated by a Clinton or Obama administration?
July 22, 2017

Pardons are the in-thing for people in the in-crowd this week, apparently. Republican Party leader Rush Limbaugh is now chiming in with his blessing on the strategy too.

"One way to end this is just pardon everybody that Mueller is investigating, right now," Rush said, after wringing his chubby hands about Mueller's team donating to Democrats. (Nobody should tell him Anthony Scaramucci donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, okay?)

"Just pardon them," he ordered. "It would shut down the investigation. If there's not going to be any punishment, if there are not going to be -- whatever charges are brought eventually, if allegations are made. They've been pre-pardoned here. It'd be one way of shutting it down."

Rush is a blowhard, but he's not too bright. Apparently he doesn't realize that a pardon means each person pardoned can be compelled to testify. And that testimony could lead straight to his Hero having to pardon himself...and admit he sold the country out to a hostile foreign power.

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