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You gotta love Colbert's defense of Clarence Thomas. He explains away his ties to the Koch Brothers, not filing Ginny's taxes since there's no box to mark for her 700K income on the tax forms and his vote on the Citizens Untied case.
And not speaking for five straight terms is a noble thing for ol' Clarence.
When the Supreme Court hears arguments next week, it will mark the fifth anniversary of Justice Clarence Thomas’s silence during oral argument — unless he chooses to re-enter the give-and-take. We hope he will. This milestone has stirred a wide conversation about his effectiveness as a justice following another about his ethics. They are actually related. How Justice Thomas comports himself on the bench is a matter of ethics and effectiveness, simultaneously. His authority as a justice and the court’s as an institution are at issue...read on
And what about Clarence taking a quick trip to the secret Koch Brothers meeting?Conflict of interest you say? Nope. Just a much deserved reward for doing the Koch Brothers bidding. There's nothing wrong with a Supreme Court judge doing that, now is there?