Colbert is the first show to open on Broadway since the pandemic. Say hello to work with pants!
As the ecstatic host and audience reunited, Colbert crowed: "Suck it, Lion King!"
And what would a big night on the Colbert show be without random Broadway dancers (and really, CBS has some of the best costume designers on television) doing a live version, at long last, of the show's feature, "The Vax-Scene."
The monologue ended with a tribute (and a request) from Stephen's audience for the past 460 days, Stephen's wife Evie:
Stephen's first guest back was Jon Stewart. Need I say more?
Stewart played the germophobe obsessive Monday night, claiming that the Wuhan Coronovirus Laboratory having the SAME! NAME! as the pandemic disease is, you know, PROOF! Also everyone in the audience likely has tuberculosis. So Jon does NOT feel safe.
And Dana Carvey joined Stephen as a perfect Joe Biden, calling Stephen "Merv" and noting that his relationship with "words" is the same as with "Republicans." "They don’t want to work with me but I keep trying anyway.”
It's great to have Stephen back on the big stage.