Can I have a number, please? OK, Seattle has become the eleventh city to decide to boycott Arizona and their draconian immigration law.
Yesterday, the Seattle City Council unanimously voted to boycott Arizona by ending official city travel there and resolving, when practical, to cut off future contracts with Arizona-based businesses. That makes Seattle the 11th city to endorse a boycott of the state in opposition to its controversial immigration law. Five of the boycotting cities are in California: Los Angeles tops the list as the biggest, and its boycott could deliver the most painful blow to Arizona's economy, as the city has $58 million in existing contracts with Arizona companies, according to the L.A. Times.
In pending city votes, some members of Dallas's city council are considering a boycott, along with the municipal governments in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Berkeley, California.
Legal challenges to the Arizona easure could well render the boycott campaign moot, however. Since the law, which makes it a state crime to be an illegal immigrant, is already facing five legal challenges, it may be overturned before it can go into effect July 23. Here's a list of the cities that have announced travel and/or city contracts boycotts so far:
- Seattle, Washington
- El Paso, Texas
- Austin, Texas
- Boston, Massachusetts
- St. Paul, Minnesota
- Boulder, Colorado
- San Diego, California
- West Hollywood, California
- San Francisco, California
- Los Angeles, California
- Oakland, California
And it's only going to get worse and worse for the Sheriff Joe Arpaio-led Arizona.
The FBI is looking into accusations that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is using his position to settle political vendettas.
Over the past year, 5 Investigates examined more than two dozen complaints against the sheriff from business owners, government workers, mayors and law-enforcement officials.
They claim they spoke out against Arpaio, and shortly after, deputies paid them unwelcome visits.
I think I've been covering this issue pretty good since Arizona has decided to lead the way for racial profiling to ravage our land.
(h/t to my friend Murshed)