May 6, 2010

I haven't written about Hugh Hewitt's hackery for a long time, especially since he's become Mr. Irrelevant in the conservative and Tea Party movement these days, but I have to highlight this exchange that our pals at Instaputz caught.

It says it all:

Michael Isikoff and Hugh Hewitt had an interesting discussion on Faisal Shahzad, the American citizen apparently behind the Times Square bombing plot. Halfway through, Hewitt inadvertently gives what amounts to the conservative capsule view of due process:

MI: And he waived, and he waived his Miranda rights. Look, there probably will be a discussion of this. But all I’m saying is we are still a country of laws. You can’t just make it up as you go along.

HH: But that’s cliché.

MI: And you know, maybe…

HH: That’s just cliché. We’re a country of laws. I know that. I teach it.

Yes, a cliché authored by John Adams. Funny how the conservative reverence for the country's founding fathers so often stops just short of defending the principles these men stood for.

We're a country of laws only when it suits the Right. Just as the religious right is against all things of Teh Gay rights (except when they pay Rentboys to go on trips with them).

Digby has more:

As Instaputz points out: this is a cliché authored by John Adams. But what did he know?

BTW: Did you know they're calling Lieberman's new citizen strip bill the TEA act? Those Tea Party protectors of the constitution must be so proud.

But they also should worry just a little bit about this, don't you think? After an evil socialist usurper is in the White House and a communist succubus is running the State Department, which will be given the power to decide who should and shouldn't be stripped of citizenship and sent off to FEMA camps Gitmo. Can they really be trusted not to go after the nice law abiding tea partiers?

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