On Tuesday's MSNBC's Hardball, Chris Matthews hosted a segment on Donald Trump's latest controversial speeches and statements regarding immigrants and Muslims and how the Republican establishment is refusing to support him.
On June 1, Chris Hayes had Hewitt on to discuss Donald Trump, but he switched topics instead and only talked about Hillary. I immediately tweeted this:
@chrislhayes why have @hughhewitt on if he's going to answer a Trump question by attacking HRC? What is his function then?
— JohnAmato (@JohnAmato) June 2, 2016
So when I saw Hewitt on, I almost changed the channel because I knew what was coming, but what I didn't foresee was Matthews' response to Hewitt's hackery.
As the segment unfolded, Matthews got disgusted with Hugh Hewitt's refusal to answer his questions and totally humiliated him.
After airing some of President Obama's criticisms of Trump, which Hewitt hated, the discussion moved on to Paul Ryan and Sen. Bob Corker's unhappiness with Trump's Monday afternoon speech, that was roundly criticized by all sides.
Matthews discussed the new polling data which shows Hillary Clinton picking up significant ground and expanding her lead on Donald in the last few days.
Chris pointed out the polls indicated the mistake Trump made attacking the federal judge over is Mexican heritage.
"You know, it's interesting to try to figure out who's looking out for Trump on the Republican side, Hugh, and that is where I think there is a lot of scaring away from him. That's what's going on now and I look at this latest poll that's come out that has Hillary dramatically above him, now we will get to the numbers in a minute in both new polls. Now he made a mistake with the Mexican-American judge and now it seems like he may be doing it again."
Mathews continued, "Here's the Bloomberg, by the way. Up 12, that's Hillary 49 to Trump's 37. That's pretty dramatic. We have another poll that has her 7 up. Uh, these polls come after a mistake, I believe, after the Mexican-American judge. Doesn't this double down on his ethnic focus?
"You are born here, you are still an Afghan. You can be a judge, first generation from immigrant parents, you're still a Mexican. The language he uses suggested assimilation doesn't occur, they don't become Americans, they remain the identity or hold the identity of their ancestors who came here," Hewitt huffed.
I don't think that clicks with most people's family experience. Most people do, whatever language they come with, whatever accent they come with, whatever look they come with, eventually begin sounding like the person next door in this country. And I think that's the way people look at it. What do you think?"
Hugh Hewitt blew off the Trump topic like he did with Hayes, and ranted on Hillary Clinton.
"I think people vote for the future of their children. and they vote for a secure country ant they are going to be looking at whether or not Secretary Clinton, after all of her mistakes in Egypt, Libya, Syria, the status of forces agreement is fit to run the foreign policy of the country and they're going to look at the server, after the news today that the DNC server was hijacked (right) by Russians, people have to believe her server was totally compromised and it's a binary choice, Chris. Who will protect children more? Ahh, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is compromised and disqualified from being president because of her server," he droned.
Mathews had enough and finally cut in, "So every time Trump has a problem, we'll talk about Hillary's problems, that will be your plan?"
"We'll talk about her record as Secretary of State," Hewitt replied.
Matthews continued, "No, no..you just shifted the topic like every time. I mean, we're talking about Trump tonight, you want to talk about Hillary?"
Hewitt had a retort. "I'm talking about the foreign policy debate that will frame this election about the future of this country after Orlando..."
Matthews refused to let go and said, "So in the future, I might as well ask you only about Hillary because that will be your focus?"
Hewitt, now humiliated, responded. "No, I will talk about the election every single night, the election is a binary choice...it's not one choice or the other..."
Matthews went in for the knockout and said, "The fall position taken by Hugh Hewitt will be, Hillary sucks!"
Hewitt used his typical "laundry list attack" tactics and then tried to treat Matthews like a child and he got spanked for his troubles.
Hugh has always been against Trump and when he finally went all in on his #NeverTrump shtick last week (which bombed) and made some news - our Fran called him out over it, noting that Hugh has a book out about Hillary's future as "our next disastrous President" and is likely to make a mint promoting his "Hillary Hate Radio Hour" to his conservative minions.
Now, suddenly, he's being wooed by Donald Trump's fascist, racist, anti-Muslim rhetoric? Give me a break! He begged The Donald to endorse his Hillary Hate book a year ago!
Hugh does what Hugh does because it's in his best interest. But in who's interest is it to have right-wing talk show host Hugh Hewitt as an MSNBC political analyst? Whoever is responsible for that hiring decision is either in deep the conservative tank, or just blatantly incompetent.