In Bill O'Reilly's new Talking Points Memo he uses Fox News' ratings to justify his ludicrous position that America thinks they are the only fair and balanced news outlet in town and the other networks are sucking up to Obama's agenda.
My God, since Barack Obama became President, O'Reilly is only getting nuttier. The lunatic fringe will do everything they can to smear Obama because they fear his success tremendously. O'Reilly is worried about the "nanny state," a typical right-wing term, but whatever solutions Obama is implementing it's all because conservatism was such a failure. He reads off the FOX lineup and touts the diversity they have. Alan Colmes is no longer even host of a Fox show....
Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Greta, "the Sarah Palin Stalker," make up most of their prime time coverage. It's filled with anti-Obama, pro-Republican propaganda. Hey Bill, everybody knows it. Give up with this "Man of La Mancha" act.
He also believes Barack Obama's popularity is diminishing because people are scared over the state of the economy. In a new Gallup poll, President Obama's approval ratings just went higher.
But O'Reilly says that while Obama is popular, it's still not fanatical. What does that mean? Who would want a fanatical relationship with the president? I do remember members of the religious right believing George Bush was the Messiah. President Obama has an incredible amount of support from the American people, and for Bill O'Reilly to justify his position by claiming that Fox News' solid recent ratings means that Obama is somehow slipping in the minds of the American people is pure nonsense. Bill O'Reilly is becoming more and more ludicrous every day.
He blames himself for not being on top of the housing bubble as a journalist. Yet he always tells his audiences that he had a PDA either. As most rational people know, we can expect interest in politics to rise doing a presidential election. So it was not surprising that MSNBC and CNN trounced Fox news in the months leading up to November 4. What we have now is a typical cycle of average American families returning to the struggles of their daily life. What the ratings show is that Fox News has not lost their wingnut base. Congratulations to Rupert Murdoch, who by the way has just lost billions of dollars. But Bill O'Reilly will never tell you that.
Here's more of his drivel from his column on BillO's website: "The End of Obama-Mania". Right.
It all has to do with fear. While President Obama retains a high approval rating, many Americans are flat-out scared about the economy. The recession is bringing massive pain to America, and responsible citizens want the truth about public policy, not partisan cheerleading.
Thus, news operations and websites that have a vested interest in seeing Barack Obama succeed in the White House are not trusted by many news consumers. One look at NBC News, for example, and you know the company line is to help President Obama, not report the unvarnished truth.
Spinning the economy does not really help people whose jobs may be in jeopardy. They need solid information about what is actually happening in order to make difficult decisions on personal spending and, perhaps, seeking new employment in a more secure industry. So, self-protection dictates they secure the most reliable sources of information available.
The point is that concentrating on ideology rather than accumulating information can lead to a distorted view of reality. Much of the media these days is in business to promote a political philosophy rather than to protect the folks by exposing dangerous situations. The watchdog press that the Founders envisioned has been corrupted by ideology.
And so the folks are left to fend for themselves, and they are gravitating toward news agencies that seemingly tell it like it is. Committed left wing newspapers are folding in Seattle, Minneapolis and perhaps in San Francisco. The New York Times had to borrow money from a Mexican guy at 14% interest. The far-left TV news operations are sinking fast.
President Obama still has wide support, but not fanatical support. Most of the folks simply want the truth, even though these days the truth can be hard to handle.