I'm no fan of Faux "news" Democrat Kirsten Powers, who is more than happy to play her part for that network by giving legitimacy to a large number of Republican talking points, and making their viewers believe that conservative and corporate "Democrats" represent the views of those who are truly on the left or progressive side of the aisle.
That said, I think Bill O'Reilly may have genuinely pissed her off during his Talking Points Memo this Tuesday (which you can watch below), where he accused the Obama administration of not really wanting to solve the problem with the people flooding in from Central America on our southern border right now.
To my surprise, Powers actually did a pretty good job of hitting back at O'Reilly and his demonization of those on welfare, reminding him that some of his own impoverished ancestors from Ireland probably would have been on welfare as well back in the day, had it existed.
She also called him out for his supposed "Christian values" while wanting to demonize the children being held in these detention facilities.
Bill-O's buddy Monica Crowley did her best to attempt to come to his defense after Powers called him out, but it was too late. The damage was already done.
Powers keeps this up and she might not be invited on Bill-O or Baier's show on Fox any time soon.