Apparently it's asking too much of any of these talking heads in our corporate media to ever push back at Republicans when they start spouting over the top nonsense like Rick Perry did on Face the Nation this Sunday, because we didn't get an ounce of it from Bob Schieffer here.
Perry: Obama’s Use Of Executive Privilege Is ‘Nixonian’:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry compared President Obama’s use of executive privilege in the Fast and Furious controversy to President Nixon’s coverup of Watergate. “You gotta admit, this is almost Nixonian if not absolutely Nixonian in the coverup that’s going on with this Fast and Furious,” Perry said in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“With Watergate, you had a second rate burglary,” Perry said to host Bob Schieffer Sunday. “Now you have a president who is using his executive privilege to keep that information from Congress. If that’s not Nixonian, than I don’t know what is, Bob.”