May 19, 2009

Another torture apologist, Republican strategist Andrea Tantaros thinks Chris Kofinis' suggestion that she undergo waterboarding herself if she doesn't think it's torture is "lame". Conveniently MSNBC news model Contessa Brewer manages to cut off the conversation before Kofinis has a chance to respond to Tantaros. She also interrupted and talked over Kofinis for most of the entire interview.

Apparently Ms. Tantaros thinks torturing is just fine if it's a suspected terrorist, but not so much for her. The idea of being presumed innocent appears to be lost on her. Maybe we can talk the Obama administration into proclaiming her a terrorist and see if she has a change of heart on that standard or on what constitutes torture.

MSNBC was doing a fine job of parroting the RNC's talking point that Pelosi should step down as the Speaker of the House all day long, and this segment is no exception.

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