Rachel Maddow started out this segment by taking note of something that Republicans regularly are much better at than Democrats, which is taking your greatest strength and turning it into a weakness which sadly we saw with John Kerry and George Bush and the Swiftboat attacks and which we're seeing now with Mitt Romney supporting Paul Ryan and his push to privatize Medicare and then attacking President Obama for "wanting to end Medicare as we know it."
She followed up with pointing out how they've also attempted to do this with politicians like John McCain and Kay Bailey Hutchison, who were out there this week pretending that their party is not the one legitimately waging a "war on women" and their reproductive health. As she noted, politicians on the national level are finally attempting to walk some of this rhetoric back because they're realizing it's probably going to kill them with female voters in the upcoming election.
Sadly for any of them, as she also pointed out, Republican politicians at the state level apparently aren't getting that message yet and are continuing to push one extreme anti-abortion bill after another through where Republicans are controlling state governments, despite the fact that some on the national level are finally figuring out that these sort of policies might be detrimental to the GOP in the upcoming election.
I frankly still find it astounding that Republicans are polling as high as they are anywhere, because I do not understand how you can be either female, black, Hispanic, gay, atheist, or for that matter... sane... and consider yourself a member of the Republican Party these days.
I wonder as Rachel did here how they think they're going to win a general election if they keep this sort of stuff up at the state level and how it's not going to possibly kill them on a national level. Women make up over fifty percent of the electorate. You cannot win any election if you alienate the majority of them which it appears Republicans are dead set on doing right now.