This is rich. Two of the biggest blowhards from the GOPTV propaganda channel took to the airways this Friday evening to complain about the media being in the tank for President Obama and the fact that they rightfully blamed the government shutdown on Republicans.
After doing their usual carping about that non-existent "liberal media" and their supposedly "biased" coverage since the days President Obama was first running for national office, they then turned to that bastion of impartiality, Brent Bozell's rag, the Media Research Center, and their "analysis" of the coverage by ABC, CBS and NBC evening news. Much to their dismay, they discovered that they reported what actually happened, which is that the Republicans and their brinksmanship are the ones responsible for shutting down the government.
In Fox world, telling the truth about who was responsible for holding our economy hostage apparently has a "liberal" bias. They also didn't like it much that any of them actually talked to government workers and asked them who they blamed for the shutdown.
I remember when Lou Dobbs was actually pretending he cared about the working class once in a while in between his segments attacking immigrants back when he was on CNN. I continue to find it amazing just how far he's fallen since he went to Fox and after it was apparent that he'd lost his damned mind after President Obama was elected for a second time. I used to think he couldn't get much worse when he was working for CNN.
Every time I happen to catch him on Fox, he continues to prove that I was wrong.