The Daily Show's John Oliver took old Mitch McTurtle and the painfully boring Harry Reid to task for the latest debacle where they averted the "nuclear option" but allowed Republicans to hold up President Obama's sub-cabinet level nominees in an unprecedented manner by not doing something about this obstruction sooner.
After all of the theatrics, as Oliver noted, we ended up having them agree to "a routine bit of horse-trading" after all of the "hyperbolic rhetoric about ending the Senate." Oliver said he presumed they should all be ashamed of themselves, just before playing some footage Senators John Hoeven and Dick Durbin heaping praise on themselves for managing to work in a bipartisan manner.
OLIVER: Well, I guess that is technically better. Yes, we accomplished next to nothing, but we did it together.
That sums thing up pretty well, since the problems with their obstruction extends well beyond the appointees they're finally going to get through. Oliver wrapped things up with his "Senior Congressional Correspondent" Jason Jones, who went onto explain what it would take for the likes of McConnell or most of them to give us an old fashioned talking filibuster like Texas state senator Wendy Davis -- they'd be pulling out the adult diapers.
Oh how I wish that's the rule change Reid would make. You want to filibuster, you're going to stand and talk.