This is the stupidity that passes for political commentary on Fox "news." Mike Huckabee would like his viewers to believe that the expansion of Medicaid is somehow like giving those undeserving poors a free hamburger and they're sticking it to all of those hard working real 'Murkins out there and causing them to pay too much for their health insurance.... or something.
November 17, 2013

This is the stupidity that passes for political commentary on Fox "news." Mike Huckabee would like his viewers to believe that the expansion of Medicaid is somehow like giving those undeserving poors a free hamburger and they're sticking it to all of those hard working real 'Murkins out there and causing them to pay too much for their health insurance.... or something.

It's more of the same we always see on Fox, where their favorite sport is bashing the poor. Not very Christ-like of the former governor, is it? Sadly, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more segments like this from Fox in the coming months and beyond.

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