April 27, 2010

While talking to Avatar director James Cameron about climate change and the point his movie tried to make about the need for it, Cameron ended the discussion by adding this about the likes of Fox News and Glenn Beck:

MATTHEWS: I know. I`m worried about the media, though, because now we have a right wing media available that if you feel like -- if you`re a business guy, for example, or a business woman, and you want to have a good excuse, a good dodge not to do anything, you listen to someone on the right like Beck, who comes in saying you don`t have to do anything; these guys are a bunch of tree huggers. Forget about it.

What do you think of Beck`s power in that direction to give people a big excuse slip not to do anything?

CAMERON: Guys like Beck and the others --

MATTHEWS: Are they dangerous?

CAMERON: I think they`re very dangerous to this country. I think that some day they`re going to have to answer to my children and to your children and their children for the world that they`re helping to create right now.

Amen brother. It would be nice if we saw our sorry excuse for a "main stream media" calling out the Becks of the world as well, and he is dangerous. They're all too worried about protecting their Villager status to go after one of their own even if he is off the reservation, so you see nothing but tepid criticism for the most part if any at all.

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