While discussing Paul Ryan's performance at last week's Republican National Convention and Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter pointing out that voters were left with the impression that Republicans believe that "lying is a virtue," CBS's Bob Schieffer actually pretended to be shocked that anyone would dare to actually call Ryan and Romney liars, because they both... you know... lie like rugs.
SCHIEFFER: Are you saying that they're just a bunch of liars?
CUTTER: No Bob, I didn't say that.
SCHIEFFER: Well, you said lying is a virtue.
CUTTER: Well I heard a lot of things that weren't true last week. I think we can all agree with that.
After Cutter explained what a few of those lies were, Schieffer just moved along to the next guest and didn't even respond. Someone needs to tell Schieffer that it's supposed to be his job to be pointing out those lies to the viewers, not pretending he's shocked that someone else would do it.
Here's some recommended reading for Schieffer:
6 Worst Lies In Paul Ryan’s Speech
The Post-Truth Campaign: Mitt Romney Tells 530 Lies in 30 Weeks