(In 1999 we were still dealing with the former Yugoslavia)
January 19, 1999 - it was for all intents and purposes a busy news day. As this broadcast of the BBC World Service Newshour attests, we had growing impatience over Slobodan Milosevic and some NATO saber rattling.
Gen. Wesley Clark: “No one should have any illusions, about NATO or its decision making process. NATO is an alliance of sovereign nations. It makes decisions in a step by step fashion. But it’s got a ratchet like grip. And once it seizes a problem it doesn’t let go of it.”
There was the matter of President Clintons State of The Union Address coming after defense arguments on his Impeachment. Orrin Hatch clucking loudly about how the President will go to trial. King Hussein of Jordan returned to Aman after six months of Cancer surgery. And beyond all that, the upcoming divorce settlement between Mick Jagger and his estranged wife Jerry Hall.
Not bad for your typical January day in 1999.