(In Veins - a bit more going on in Bordeaux than wine) Something new tonight. Another MySpace band discovery. I first stumbled across this band a f
December 2, 2009


(In Veins - a bit more going on in Bordeaux than wine)

Something new tonight. Another MySpace band discovery. I first stumbled across this band a few years ago and really liked them. A French band, In Veins tips its hat to the best of Psychedelia, Shoegaze, Trance, Indie, Progressive, Alternative - all those superlatives you would use to describe a band you really liked, who wasn't mainstream or pop.

And if I didn't tell you they were all from Bordeaux you would never know. They do sing in English, but it's more background to the wall of instrumental sound they create.

This track, Just Vision is a new one. They have a new album (I think their first) coming out pretty soon and their ep's (which they have 2) are available via iTunes. They're performing around, but nothing here in the States.

Check them out of it you get the chance, and if you like them, please support them. We need all the good music we can get.

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