Nights At The Roundtable - Throwing Muses - Talking Backwards from the lp The Real Ramona - 1991 4AD/Sire/Warners
September 11, 2010

Throwing Muses - during one incarnation

Last time I posted anything on this band was in November of last year. I said then, as now, Throwing Muses were/are one of my favorite Indie bands to come out of that Post-Punk/Alternative period of the early 80's and have maintained a freshness ever since. Pretty good for a band to be able to do that, and still keep all the integrity in tact. Even though there are now side-projects and solo efforts from front-person Kristen Hersh, the whole concept is still fresh and current and they are about to release a new album this year..

Tonight it's a track off The Real Ramona, their first big-selling album for 4AD (their label in the UK) that came out in 1991. Counting Backwards was also issued as a single and it starts off the album.

If you aren't familiar with them, you have no excuses. If you are, you know what I'm talking about.

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