Nights at the Roundtable with Retro Rock sensation Nick Waterhouse and The Tarots and a new single, "Is That Clear", issued in August.
September 23, 2011

Nick Waterhouse - Giving Retro a rather groovy name.

When I first heard the late Amy Winehouse several years ago, one of the things that struck me most about her was the sound of her production. I knew that sound. I grew up with it. It poured out of every radio I came in contact with. It was dirty, immediate and it rocked and it was early 60's.

In recent years there's been something of a movement to get back to that sound. Bands are opting to go analog and some even record in mono using vintage equipment. For all the new technology available and the myriad ways to doctor a session, going back to the basic basics, the stripped-down everything, has enormous appeal.

And there have been some interesting and wonderful examples as a result. Earlier today my friend Tre sent me a link to an artist named Nick Waterhouse, a guy from the Bay Area of California who has been seriously digging into the retro mine for some time.

One of the gems from that expedition is this track, released just a few weeks ago via Innovative Leisure Records out of Los Angeles (a new label to watch). Is That Clear is one of several tracks, including some brand new ones coming out today which give ample evidence the Retro movement is not only alive and well, but flourishing and making new fans in the process.

He has all the bases covered as far as access. If you go the Innovative Leisure Records site you'll be directed to at least half a dozen other sites he's on. It's well worth the ride. All his stuff is available via iTunes, but if I were you, I'd go for the vinyl 45's complete with retro perfect "vocal with orchestra" labels - just makes sense that way.

Here comes the weekend.

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