April 22, 2010


(Megaafonia - rumors of Top 10 in Spain)

Megaafonia are from Barcelona, where I am realizing is just one city in Spain where a vast amount of talent is coming from. They've been together since 2005 and in that comparatively short period of time have already released two albums, the second of which came out just this year.

This track, Pere Pedregos, is the last track on that album and it's a pretty good example of what the band is doing. They've gotten a very good word of mouth going throughout Spain and can read what some of the Press is saying about them via their website, where you can also download or buy Tutto (the new album) or Despechado, their first album from 2006, get on their mailing list, follow them on Facebook or Twitter and read about them in both Spanish and English. So check them out and expand your horizons.

Further evidence good music is happening absolutely everywhere.

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